NOUN ( संज्ञा )
Q. What is Noun ?
:- Noun is a naming word.
Whatever , things are present in the world is called noun.
Noun is the name of a person,place,thing,animal,idea or feeling is called Noun.
Ex. Ram , Patna , pen , cow , happiness..etc.
Q. According to traditional grammar noun is divided into how many parts and on which basis ?
Ans:- According to traditional grammar noun is divided into five parts and on the basis of Caste .
(i). Proper Noun. ( व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा , खासवाचक संज्ञा या विशेशवाचक संज्ञा )
(ii). Common Noun. ( जातिवाचक / सामान्यवाचक संज्ञा )
(iii). Collective Noun. ( समूहवाचक संज्ञा )
(iv). Material Noun. ( द्रव्यवाचक संज्ञा )
(v). Abstract Noun. ( भाववाचक संज्ञा )
Q. What is a Proper Noun ?
Ans:- A proper noun is the name of a particular person , place , thing or animal .
A particular name of anything is called proper noun.
( किसी खासव्यक्ति , स्थान , वस्तु या जानवर के नाम को व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा कहते हैं । )
Ex. Ram , Bihar , table or cow ... etc.
Notes:-(i) It is singular and gets singular verb.
Ex. India is a nice country.
(ii) It is always written beginning with capital letter.
(iii) A/An/The is not used before it generally.
Ex. Bihar is a nice state. ( right )
The Bihar are a nice state. (Wrong )
Bihar are a nice state. (Wrong )
The Bihar is a nice state. (Wrong )
bihar is a nice state. ( wrong )
(iv) proper noun is always only one proper noun.
Ex. Sita , Mohan......etc.
(v) If a proper noun is a compound noun all the name will be capital.
Ex. Jawahar Lal Nehru
(vi) A proper noun gets a, an when , we do not know more than the name of a person.
Ex. Ram नाम का एक व्यक्ति - A Ram
वह राम है । - he is a Ram.
वह राम है । - he is Ram.
(vii). A person name gets a , an when that person will be just little mother person.
Ex. वह अमीर खान के जैसा है ।
He is an Amir Khan.
Q. What is a Common Noun ?
:- A common noun is the name of a person, place, thing or animal of the same kind.
A common noun is the name of a caste or community of all is called Common noun.
( जातिवाचक संज्ञा से किसी एक ही प्रकार के सभी वस्तुओं , व्यक्तियों , स्थानों या जानवरों का बोध होता है । )
( जातिवाचक संज्ञा से किसी जाति अथवा समुदाय का बोधहोता है । )
Ex. Boy, city, pen , dog ....etc.
Notes:- (i) It is singular and plural both.
Ex. A pen , two pen
(ii) It can be counted.
(iii) If it is singular must get article before itself.
Ex. गाय खाती है । - The cow eats.
(iv) Generally more than common noun do not get a, an , the.
प्राय: जब common noun एक से ज्यादा हो तो उसके पहले a ,an , the नहीं लगता है ।
Ex. गायें खाती हैं । - Cow eat.
(v) अगर common noun वाक्य के शुरू में आ जाय तो उसके पहले प्राय: the लगता हैं एवं जब common noun शुरू में न अाए अर्थात् subject न बनकर आए तो common noun के पहले प्राय: a ,an लगता हैं ।
(vi) If it is certain it gets article a, an , the with one or more than one.
( जब यह निश्चित हो तो अकेला के साथ भी प्रायः the लगेगा एवं एक से ज्यादा के साथ भी the लगेगा । प्रायः वाक्य के अंत में ता हैं, ते हु , ती हैं, होता है , होती हैं इत्यादी लगा हो तो अकेला में
article लगता हैं अगर वाक्य के अंत में प्रायः ता हैं, ते हैं , ती हैं , होता हैं , होती हैं इत्यादी नहीं हो तो
अकेला में भी article लगेगा । )
Ex. गाय खाती हैं । - The cow eats.
गायें खाती हैं । - Cows eat.
बच्चा नटखट हैं । - The child is naughty.
बच्चें नटखट हैं । - The children are naughty.
बच्चा नटखट होता है । - The child is naughty.
बच्चें नटखट होते हैं । - Children are naughty.
Q. What is Collective Noun ?
:- A collective noun is the name of a group or collection of person, things or animals is called collective noun.
A collection of anything is called collective noun.
( समूहवाचक संज्ञा से किसी व्यक्तियों वस्तुओं या जानवरों के समूह का बोध होता है , समूहवाचक संज्ञा कहलाता है । )
Ex. People, public , army , police , class team.....etc.
Q. How many types of collective noun .
:- There are three kinds of collective noun.
(a) Generalising collective noun
(b) Group collective noun
(c) Distributive collective noun
Q. (a) what is Generalising Collective Noun ?
:- A collection that is made by different kinds of members is called Generalising collective noun .
(सामान्य समूह वाचक संज्ञा विभिन्न प्रकार के सदस्यों से बना होता है सामान्य समूह वाचक संज्ञा कहलाता है । )
Ex. Machinery , furniture , jewelry , crockery ......etc.
Notes:- (i) It is always singular and gets singular verb.
(ii) s/es can not be used with it.
Ex. The machinery are very old. ( wrong )
The machineries are very old. ( wrong )
The machineries is very old. ( wrong )
The machinery is very old. ( right )
Q. (b) What is group collective noun ?
:- A collection that is made by same kinds of members is called group collective noun.
( समूह समूहवाचक संज्ञा एक ही प्रकार के सदस्यों से बना होता हैं समूह समूहवाचक संज्ञा कहलाता हैं । )
Ex. Gentry, peasantry , people , public..etc
Notes:- (a) It is plural and gets plural verb.
(b ) S/es can not be used with it .
Ex. The gentry of this town is not active. (right)
The gentry of this town are not active. ( wrong )
The gentries of this town are not active. ( wrong )
Q. What is Distributive Collective Noun ?
:- A collection that is either unanimous or different in opinion is called distributive collective noun.
( वितरण वाचक संज्ञा एक ऐसा संग्रह है जो या तो एकमत होगा या एकमत नहीं होगा वितरण वाचक संज्ञा कहलाता है । )
Ex. Jury , committee , parliament , club ..etc
(i) कमिटि ने कोई उतर दायित्व नहीं ली हैं ।
(a) The committee has not taken any response. ( Wrong )
(b) The committee have not taken any response. ( right )
(ii) कमिटि ने कोई उतर दायित्व ली हैं ।
(a) The committee has taken any response. ( right )
(b) The committee have taken any response. ( wrong )
Q. What is Material Noun ?
:- Material noun is the name of a thing which/that we can measured or weight but we can not count is called material noun.
( द्रव्यवाचक संज्ञा वैसी वस्तु को कहते है जिसे हमलोग माप या तौल सकते है परंतु गीन नहीं सकते है , द्रव्यवाचक संज्ञा कहलाता है । )
A thing that is not count is called material noun.
( ऐसा वस्तु जिसकी गीनती नहीं की जा सकती है material noun कहलाता है । )
Ex. Milk , water , rice , oil. ...etc.
Notes:- (a) It is singular and gets singular verb.
(b) Generally article doesn't come before it
Ex. (i) दूध उजला होता है ।
(a) The milk is white. ( Wrong )
(b) Milk are white. ( Wrong )
(c) Milk is white. ( right )
(C) when it is certain must get article ( the ) before it.
( जब यह निश्चित हो तो इसके पहले article. (the) अवश्य अाएगा । )
Ex. (i) दूध उजला है ।
(a) Milk is white. (wrong)
(b) The milk are white. (wrong)
(c) The milk is white. (right)
Q. What is Abstract Noun ?
:- An abstract noun is the name of a thing which we can not touch or see we can only feel is called abstract noun.
( भाववाचक संज्ञा वैसी वस्तु का नाम है जिसे हमलोग देख या छू नहीं सकते है हमलोग केवल महसूस कर सकते है भाववाचक संज्ञा कहलाता है । )
Ex. Air , love , poverty , childhood , kindness. ..etc.
Notes:- (a) It is singular and gets singular verb.
(b) Generally article doesn't come before it.
Ex. (i) ईमानदारी सबसे अच्छी निति होती है ।
(a) Honesty are the best policy. (wrong)
(b) The honesty is the best policy. (wrong)
(c) Honesty is the best policy. (right)
(C) When it is certain must get article before it.
( जब यह निश्चित हो तो इसके पहले the लगेगा । )
( जिस शब्द के अंत में ness लगा हो abstract noun होता है । )
केशव की ईमानदारी अच्छी है ।
( The honesty of Keshav is good. )
Q. What is Noun ?
:- Noun is a naming word.
Whatever , things are present in the world is called noun.
Noun is the name of a person,place,thing,animal,idea or feeling is called Noun.
Ex. Ram , Patna , pen , cow , happiness..etc.
Q. According to traditional grammar noun is divided into how many parts and on which basis ?
Ans:- According to traditional grammar noun is divided into five parts and on the basis of Caste .
(i). Proper Noun. ( व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा , खासवाचक संज्ञा या विशेशवाचक संज्ञा )
(ii). Common Noun. ( जातिवाचक / सामान्यवाचक संज्ञा )
(iii). Collective Noun. ( समूहवाचक संज्ञा )
(iv). Material Noun. ( द्रव्यवाचक संज्ञा )
(v). Abstract Noun. ( भाववाचक संज्ञा )
Q. What is a Proper Noun ?
Ans:- A proper noun is the name of a particular person , place , thing or animal .
A particular name of anything is called proper noun.
( किसी खासव्यक्ति , स्थान , वस्तु या जानवर के नाम को व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा कहते हैं । )
Ex. Ram , Bihar , table or cow ... etc.
Notes:-(i) It is singular and gets singular verb.
Ex. India is a nice country.
(ii) It is always written beginning with capital letter.
(iii) A/An/The is not used before it generally.
Ex. Bihar is a nice state. ( right )
The Bihar are a nice state. (Wrong )
Bihar are a nice state. (Wrong )
The Bihar is a nice state. (Wrong )
bihar is a nice state. ( wrong )
(iv) proper noun is always only one proper noun.
Ex. Sita , Mohan......etc.
(v) If a proper noun is a compound noun all the name will be capital.
Ex. Jawahar Lal Nehru
(vi) A proper noun gets a, an when , we do not know more than the name of a person.
Ex. Ram नाम का एक व्यक्ति - A Ram
वह राम है । - he is a Ram.
वह राम है । - he is Ram.
(vii). A person name gets a , an when that person will be just little mother person.
Ex. वह अमीर खान के जैसा है ।
He is an Amir Khan.
Q. What is a Common Noun ?
:- A common noun is the name of a person, place, thing or animal of the same kind.
A common noun is the name of a caste or community of all is called Common noun.
( जातिवाचक संज्ञा से किसी एक ही प्रकार के सभी वस्तुओं , व्यक्तियों , स्थानों या जानवरों का बोध होता है । )
( जातिवाचक संज्ञा से किसी जाति अथवा समुदाय का बोधहोता है । )
Ex. Boy, city, pen , dog ....etc.
Notes:- (i) It is singular and plural both.
Ex. A pen , two pen
(ii) It can be counted.
(iii) If it is singular must get article before itself.
Ex. गाय खाती है । - The cow eats.
(iv) Generally more than common noun do not get a, an , the.
प्राय: जब common noun एक से ज्यादा हो तो उसके पहले a ,an , the नहीं लगता है ।
Ex. गायें खाती हैं । - Cow eat.
(v) अगर common noun वाक्य के शुरू में आ जाय तो उसके पहले प्राय: the लगता हैं एवं जब common noun शुरू में न अाए अर्थात् subject न बनकर आए तो common noun के पहले प्राय: a ,an लगता हैं ।
(vi) If it is certain it gets article a, an , the with one or more than one.
( जब यह निश्चित हो तो अकेला के साथ भी प्रायः the लगेगा एवं एक से ज्यादा के साथ भी the लगेगा । प्रायः वाक्य के अंत में ता हैं, ते हु , ती हैं, होता है , होती हैं इत्यादी लगा हो तो अकेला में
article लगता हैं अगर वाक्य के अंत में प्रायः ता हैं, ते हैं , ती हैं , होता हैं , होती हैं इत्यादी नहीं हो तो
अकेला में भी article लगेगा । )
Ex. गाय खाती हैं । - The cow eats.
गायें खाती हैं । - Cows eat.
बच्चा नटखट हैं । - The child is naughty.
बच्चें नटखट हैं । - The children are naughty.
बच्चा नटखट होता है । - The child is naughty.
बच्चें नटखट होते हैं । - Children are naughty.
Q. What is Collective Noun ?
:- A collective noun is the name of a group or collection of person, things or animals is called collective noun.
A collection of anything is called collective noun.
( समूहवाचक संज्ञा से किसी व्यक्तियों वस्तुओं या जानवरों के समूह का बोध होता है , समूहवाचक संज्ञा कहलाता है । )
Ex. People, public , army , police , class team.....etc.
Q. How many types of collective noun .
:- There are three kinds of collective noun.
(a) Generalising collective noun
(b) Group collective noun
(c) Distributive collective noun
Q. (a) what is Generalising Collective Noun ?
:- A collection that is made by different kinds of members is called Generalising collective noun .
(सामान्य समूह वाचक संज्ञा विभिन्न प्रकार के सदस्यों से बना होता है सामान्य समूह वाचक संज्ञा कहलाता है । )
Ex. Machinery , furniture , jewelry , crockery ......etc.
Notes:- (i) It is always singular and gets singular verb.
(ii) s/es can not be used with it.
Ex. The machinery are very old. ( wrong )
The machineries are very old. ( wrong )
The machineries is very old. ( wrong )
The machinery is very old. ( right )
Q. (b) What is group collective noun ?
:- A collection that is made by same kinds of members is called group collective noun.
( समूह समूहवाचक संज्ञा एक ही प्रकार के सदस्यों से बना होता हैं समूह समूहवाचक संज्ञा कहलाता हैं । )
Ex. Gentry, peasantry , people , public..etc
Notes:- (a) It is plural and gets plural verb.
(b ) S/es can not be used with it .
Ex. The gentry of this town is not active. (right)
The gentry of this town are not active. ( wrong )
The gentries of this town are not active. ( wrong )
Q. What is Distributive Collective Noun ?
:- A collection that is either unanimous or different in opinion is called distributive collective noun.
( वितरण वाचक संज्ञा एक ऐसा संग्रह है जो या तो एकमत होगा या एकमत नहीं होगा वितरण वाचक संज्ञा कहलाता है । )
Ex. Jury , committee , parliament , club ..etc
(i) कमिटि ने कोई उतर दायित्व नहीं ली हैं ।
(a) The committee has not taken any response. ( Wrong )
(b) The committee have not taken any response. ( right )
(ii) कमिटि ने कोई उतर दायित्व ली हैं ।
(a) The committee has taken any response. ( right )
(b) The committee have taken any response. ( wrong )
Q. What is Material Noun ?
:- Material noun is the name of a thing which/that we can measured or weight but we can not count is called material noun.
( द्रव्यवाचक संज्ञा वैसी वस्तु को कहते है जिसे हमलोग माप या तौल सकते है परंतु गीन नहीं सकते है , द्रव्यवाचक संज्ञा कहलाता है । )
A thing that is not count is called material noun.
( ऐसा वस्तु जिसकी गीनती नहीं की जा सकती है material noun कहलाता है । )
Ex. Milk , water , rice , oil. ...etc.
Notes:- (a) It is singular and gets singular verb.
(b) Generally article doesn't come before it
Ex. (i) दूध उजला होता है ।
(a) The milk is white. ( Wrong )
(b) Milk are white. ( Wrong )
(c) Milk is white. ( right )
(C) when it is certain must get article ( the ) before it.
( जब यह निश्चित हो तो इसके पहले article. (the) अवश्य अाएगा । )
Ex. (i) दूध उजला है ।
(a) Milk is white. (wrong)
(b) The milk are white. (wrong)
(c) The milk is white. (right)
Q. What is Abstract Noun ?
:- An abstract noun is the name of a thing which we can not touch or see we can only feel is called abstract noun.
( भाववाचक संज्ञा वैसी वस्तु का नाम है जिसे हमलोग देख या छू नहीं सकते है हमलोग केवल महसूस कर सकते है भाववाचक संज्ञा कहलाता है । )
Ex. Air , love , poverty , childhood , kindness. ..etc.
Notes:- (a) It is singular and gets singular verb.
(b) Generally article doesn't come before it.
Ex. (i) ईमानदारी सबसे अच्छी निति होती है ।
(a) Honesty are the best policy. (wrong)
(b) The honesty is the best policy. (wrong)
(c) Honesty is the best policy. (right)
(C) When it is certain must get article before it.
( जब यह निश्चित हो तो इसके पहले the लगेगा । )
( जिस शब्द के अंत में ness लगा हो abstract noun होता है । )
केशव की ईमानदारी अच्छी है ।
( The honesty of Keshav is good. )
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